- Bachelor of Laws (University of Hong Kong with Honours).
- Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration (Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London).
- Solicitor of Hong Kong (1979), England (1983)*, Victoria, Australia (1984)* and Singapore (1989)* [*qualified, non-practicing].
- Notary Public.
- Chartered Arbitrator.
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London (CIArb) and Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators (HKIArb) (Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration – 2003 –awarded the Course Directors Prize for being first in his class in Practice & Procedure).
- Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”) accredited Mediator.
- Oversea Member of the Institute of Trade Mark Agents (London).
- Listed on the List of Arbitrators and Panel of Adjudicators of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).
- Justice of the Peace.
- Member of the Panel of the Inland Revenue Board of Review 2004 to 2006.
- Member of the Administrative Appeals Board of the Hong Kong SAR (2000-2006).
- Deputy Chairman of Copyright Tribunal of the Hong Kong SAR (1999/2005).
- Member of Steering Committee on Review of IP Issues in the Innovation & Technologies Sector (since 2010).
- Member of Advisory Committee on Patent System Reform (since 2011) and Convenor of its Working Group on Interim Measures.
- Member of Working Group on Intellectual Property Trading (since Mar 2013) and Convenor of its sub-group on IP Arbitration and Mediation responsible for proposing Hong Kong’s Arbitration Amendment Bill 2016.
- Hong Kong Trade Development Council – Member of Service Promotion Programme Committee.
- Board of Directors of the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)
- Member of the Steering Committee on Mediation, Chairman of its Accreditation Sub-Committee, member of the Regulatory Framework Sub-Committee, and Vice-Chairperson of Special Committee on Evaluative Mediation set up by Department of Justice.
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) appointed (1) Neutral for Arbitration & Mediation and Domain Name Panelist and (2) Panelist on the Roster of Panelist for the Legal Rights Objections (LRO) under ICANN’s New gTLD Program.
- President (2012-2015) / Senior Vice President (2006-2012) / Chairman of the Workshop Group (2003-2012) (now APAA Academy)/ Vice President (2003-2012) of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (“APAA”) and President (1997-2003) of the APAA Hong Kong Group.
- Council Member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries.
- Speaker at international conferences including those of the APAA, Japanese Customs Intellectual Property Information Centre (CIPIC), Symposiums on Intellectual Property in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.
- Author of various articles published in the APAA news, CIPIC journals, World Trade Mark Reporter and other reports.
- Fellow of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors.
- Intellectual properties (registration, licensing and enforcement of patent, design, copyright and trade mark) and injunction proceedings, arbitration, mediation, banking, public and private corporate transactions, China projects, complex commercial litigation.