The protection of works created from the human intellect, under the legislations that have adopted a droit d’auter system, is centered on the relationship existing between the individual who created the work, and the piece that constitutes the protected work. Therefore, the legal regulations which govern the prerogatives that the creator has concerning the protected … Continue Reading
When litigating trademark infringement cases in Colombia, the issue arises as to how the plaintiff should provide valid evidence of the damages arising from the unauthorized use of a trademark, as well as to what admissible evidence may be used to prove the amount of the indemnification claimed in the proceeding.… Continue Reading
Decision 486 of 2000 of the Andean Community sets forth several events that may give rise to the rejection of trademark registration. Said events intend to protect the general interest that is involved in ensuring that no exclusive rights are granted over signs that are not appropriable by the applicant (absolute grounds for rejection) or … Continue Reading
Exclusive rights over a trademark in Colombia arise from registration. Also, when holding a trademark registration in Colombia, the obligation arises for its owner to use the trademark in commerce, beginning three (3) years from the date when registration was granted. This means that a trademark registration in Colombia may be canceled by the Trademark … Continue Reading
Exclusive rights over a trademark in Colombia arise solely from registration. Therefore, the general rule is that a trademark registered or protected under the legislation of a different country may not be used as valid grounds for opposition against a trademark application in Colombia. However there are exceptions to this rule, namely, by filing an … Continue Reading
For investors in innovation, it is a priority to count on legal mechanisms to secure some level of exclusivity in the exploitation of their innovations, to seek a return on their investment. The first legal alternative at hand is to get a patent for the innovation. However, patents are not the only mechanism to obtain … Continue Reading