- Admitted to the Bar in 2002
- Teaching and research assistant, University of Bologna, Department of Intellectual Property Law, 2010-2014
- Scholarship in Cultural Heritage Management and Economics, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, 2002
- Post-graduate degree, University of Paris I Phanteòn Sorbonne, 1999
- Law degree cum laude, “Alma Mater Studiorum” – University of Bologna (IT), 1999
- Trademark, design and patent Law
- Copyright Law
- Cultural Heritage Law
- Internet Law and Information Technology
- IP litigation, arbitration and ADR
Author of many articles on intellectual property law published in specialized magazines and newspapers, among the others:
- Aedon by Il Mulino
- Art Economy 24 and Norme e tributi by Il SOLE 24 ore
- Il diritto d’autore by Giuffrè
- The Art Newspaper by Allemandi
- Il maestro e il suo diritto – Artist’s resale right by Umberto Allemandi
- Section Copy and Rights by Ottagono-Compositori (supervisor)
- La legislazione per lo spettacolo e le attività musicali. Norme, contratti, diritti, obblighi e sanzioni, by G.Giappichelli
- Manuale di sopravvivenza per musicisti by P.Persiani
- “Le noveau cas Modigliani” by Institut Art & Droit, Parigi, 2014
- Dictionnaire Comparè du Droit du Patrimoine Culturel by CNRS Editore
- L’affaire de l’artiste urbaine Blu, Art Law Magazine, Ginevra
- Bologna Bar Association
- Member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
- Member of Institut Art & Droit, Paris
- Member of Fondation pour le droit de l’art, Geneva
- Member of ACE (Association Avocats Conseils d’Entreprises), Paris
- Member of International Commission of Bologna Bar Association
- Arbitrator at Venice Arbitration Chamber
- Member of UIA (Union Internationale des Avocates)
- Representative of UIA for the region of Emilia Romagna (Italy)
- Representative of UIA at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva
Speaker at national and international conferences concerning IP Law
- “Le droit de suite France-Italie”, Paris Bar Association,2013
- “La transmission successorale du droit d’auteur. L’exemple Italien”, Institut Art & Droit, Université Panthèon – Assas Paris, 2014
- “L’arte in tutti gli Stati”, ACE Paris International Meeting, Department of Law, Bologna, 2015
- “Francia Italia” issues concerning IP Law, Bologna Bar Association,2016
- “Introduzione al diritto d’autore, il valore della cultura”, Bologna Bar Association, 2017
- “Arte e Diritto”, The Venice Chamber of Arbitration, 2018
Lecturer for public and private institutions, among the others:
- NABA – Milano
- Fine Arts Academy of Bologna
- Master “Il mestiere delle Arti”, Bologna
Participant in projects of international institutions and organization dealing with IP issues:
- CNRS in Paris
- Resale Right Dialogue group at European Commission in Brussels
- World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO] in Geneva